Regulating Deviant Leisure Behavior: Exploring the Leisure Policy AlternativesHee Won Yang , Hyun Na Kim 1(2) 91-106, 2007
East and Weat: An Acculturation Process in Physical Education and SportHyun Kun Shin 1(2) 79-90, 2007
Race and Ethnicity in Sports in Korea: A Preliminary ThoughtYo Mee Lee 1(2) 71-77, 2007
A Discourse on the Value of Physical Activity in Contemporary SocietyJeong Hak Lee 1(2) 61-69, 2007
Factors that Influence Spectators` Purchasing Behaviors and Behavioral Intentions for Professional Basketball Games in KoreaSe Hyuk Park 1(2) 51-60, 2007
Morphological, Fitness, and Blood Lipids Characteristics of Korean ElderlyDae Taek Lee , Hai Mo Gu , Jae Ryang Yoon 1(2) 37-50, 2007
American Elite Track Cyclists` Anaerobic PowerIck Won Kang 1(2) 21-36, 2007
Internal validity of the Functional Method of Hip Joint Center LocationYoung Hoo Kwon , Suk Hoon Yoon , Gary A. Christopher 1(2) 5-20, 2007
Exercise Reverses Diet-Induced Obesity and Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance through the IKK /NF- B PathwayJi Hye Park , Sung Min Kim , Justin Y Jeon , Youn Wook Kim , Hyun Chul Lee , Dong Sheng Cai , Eleftheria Maratos Flier 1(1) 83-97, 2007
Comparative Analysis of Loss of Playing Time Due To Injuries on Two Different Floorings in College Men`s and Women`s BasketballKyung Mo Han , Timothy P Mcguire 1(1) 75-82, 2007